Why Can't I Think of Titles? :(

All Eyes, No Legs (temporary title)

For three days, I watched
as your body went through
different stages,
but remained
in the same position:
on the couch,

You've been in a permanent
state of waiting
for ten years,

of how familiar
your family was

and if that uncertainty
would bring everyone together,
or leave them apart,
on their own
separate continents
of rationale.

For ten years, I watched
you search for sorrows
in the heat of
and tears -
both of which
weren't yours to claim.

you were the property of fear,
and unpaid hospital bills -
masks so thick
that I wondered how
you kept your head so high
with your guard so low.

Ten years have
struck down.
You've been immobilized,
stripped down
to the very bone
of your existence,
but I know
if your body could do
half as much as your eyes,
you'd be okay.

Your tears always have
run faster
than your paralyzed legs.


DOUG said...

i like how you put time into it, it really helps make the poem more emotional and i think gives it a driving feel

Honey Bee's on Tuesday said...

I like this. The beginning lines seem weaker in language than the end, and i dont know what to tell you to fix. the first 3 stanzas. i love the like "in the heat of alcohol and tears-both of which weren't yours to claim." also the idea of being the property of fear. i really like it and i think your temparary title is good!