Reevaluation of a Yesterday With You

Yesterday, her body performed the miracle
of collapse
into the torturous folds of my bed
so sweet.

If love is a myth,
then my sheets hold all the answers.
(Call Myth Busters,
we've gotten out of control.)

Spinning caution tape like
records around
the round table -
a knight in shinning armor
is bound to tie the loose ends

like limp limbs
a routine
thats better than breathing.

Her hoarse voice is not
the failure of her throat,
it is the structured movements
of vocal chords
when speaking my name
outstretched sounds
comfortable arms.


madcrazycool said...


;] <-- enjoy my sensual emoticon.

Vagabond said...

Ugh, this has to be my favie =^.^= I love the first two stanzas they're wonderful. The Myth busters made me laugh. And I loved "A routine that's better than breathing" You know what, I loved the whole thing!! Lol I need to meet this girl! =-P


Joker Rose said...

well i know were this came from ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha its really good loved it :-P

hello there said...

very very very fantastic. you are very talented and put so much emotion and and just so much, you into all of your work!
know that your work is appreciated and loved!